Friday, March 6, 2020

Motivation Tips for Students in the New Year

Motivation Tips for Students in the New Year Ready to get your students into school mode after holiday break? Here are five tips to start things off on the right foot in 2019: Plan activities. Ease your students into school work with some post-holiday classroom activities. Those might include writing prompts, games to refresh students knowledge on units from first semester and hands-on activities. Revisit those goals. If you had your students set goals in the beginning of the year, pull them out again. Encourage students to assess how theyre progressing toward their goals and have them write a few more for this month and the rest of the school year. Develop a game plan. Dont just set goals. Have your students lay out the steps to attain them. Talk about creating goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely). Together, come up with an accountability system wherein your students track their progress along the way. Get (re)organized. Give your students a quick refresher on planner use and keeping track of projects and test dates as well as some reminders on how to keep the backpack, binders, locker and desk in order. Talk about character. The New Year is one of the best times to commit to changing ourselves for the better. Spend time these first weeks back to school cultivating a classroom environment that is supportive and inspiring and encourages students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and what they want to be known for. The New Year is an opportunity for all students to start fresh and take ownership of their school experience. Incorporate these ideas into your classroom and make the rest of the school year awesome! See how Huntington can help your students succeed.

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